![]() 09/11/2014 at 14:24 • Filed to: INSURANCE, MONTEGO, GARAGE | ![]() | ![]() |
So I found a way to save 50 bucks a month on our car insurance for your Daily Drivers.
I bought a house in a new, nice neighborhood.
I had no idea I was getting hit with a "shitty neighborhood" tax from state farm until I got the reduced rate notice effective of the day I started the new house policy.
So if you look at it only form the perspective of the new home purchase in comparison to savings of auto insurance I just spent 200k to save 50 bucks a month. (FYI that's a lot of money for a house in Michigan. That gets you 4 beds, 2000 sq feet, a 2 car (ish) garage and over 1/4 of an acre.)
Thanks state farm!
And this is the Montego nestled into it's new home! (which also had a rate drop from State Farm, yes they insure the Montego and it's a hell of a price for it)
![]() 09/11/2014 at 14:29 |
I could do the math but I'm a busy man. If you stay there like a billion years, the insurance savings will pay for the house!
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Nice. I know the zip code you live in has a bearing on insurance rates. When I moved out of Milwaukee my rates dropped quite a bit.
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That's one way to look at it!
He should have told me years ago I should move for a lower rate. When I called and asked for a rate decrease he could have said - "Well if you'd move out of that crappy neighborhood you'd be set"
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My gf and I both got nice-neighborhood discounts when we moved into our current house, as well. Plus, the homeowners' insurance being with the same company helped me get a bigger discount on auto insurance.
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Congrats on the new house! I'll hopefully be moving by the end of the month.
Your roughly in the same city, right?
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*Couch* pays $125 a year full coverage on the GTS *Coughs*
But damn you got some good shit with the rate drop! I love State farm
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Yeah we got hit with this the other way around. Our old insurance company thought that we were in a bad neighborhood, and raised our insurance one hundred and twenty ball-licking dollars per month.
We dropped 'em like THE BASS.
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I learned this the other way when I moved to LA from suburban NY and my motorcycle insurance quotes skyrocketed.
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Oh yeah we've got the house and 3 cars on there.
6 years loyalty too
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I live in Redford on the edge o' Detroit, and the insurance is too damn high. I wonder if the higher house payment I would be destined for elsewhere would be mostly offset by lower car insurance? Mind you, I'd have to rent the current house, I am hopelessly underwater in my mortgage, and last year, the house was literally underwater (okay just a bad basement backup, but still)
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Yeah, that would be like 300 years :)
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The rate drop is specifically because I moved cities lol.
Canton now. I only moved 8 miles though haha
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I pay about 125 for 6 months on the Montego then they drop me to "storage" insurance for about 20 bucks for 6 months.
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yea that's rough.
I mean if I doubled my house payment, at least my insurance dropped.
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Car, truck & house on same policy. I've had the car policy since like 2005 when they were charging less than 1/2 of my previous insurance company. She's on her own policy (with her employer). She shops their rates against her employer's rates every couple of years just to check. Twice, her company hasn't been able to beat mine.
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Really? How you manage the storage thing? Well probably cause I drive mine in any weather....
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Haha, yeah I shop it every year almost. The kicker is the home owners. It has me pretty much trapped.
The insurance on the house is great at only about 70 bucks a month at the new house and i can't get this good of an all together rate without having all 3 cars and the house together.
And with the way my wife drives, I'd have cheaper insurance if she was on her own policy lol
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Yeah that's the trick once the end of October comes around it stays in the garage until spring.
They basically bring it down to the absolute lowest coverage they provide. That also means though if I take it out of the garage I'm 100% on my own with zero coverage out there.
![]() 09/11/2014 at 14:44 |
Gotcha. Hmmm well then.
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You're still out in Pinckney or Howell? Somewhere around there right? Hopefully that deal we talked about a while ago goes through well for you!
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It also means I'm sad all winter because I dont get to drive the Montego.
I do start it once a week and let it run to keep it going.
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I should also clarify, it turns out we live right next to a bad neighborhood. Shots fired, shit going down all the time, a snubnose .38 got tossed over the fence into my back yard.
But my street is nice. Because I'm here and nobody fucks with shit.
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But of course. Don't want it to get too cold.
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oh man, I moved from Wayne to Canton. Maybe you should call those marketplace homes people that gaurantee rent payments for 5 years if you buy a new house with them. A guy at my work did that, and actually lived in Redford too.
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nope. Though I wonder how the new neighbors will react?
I think well.
Maybe I'll take the time tomorrow to post all the kick ass cars in my new neighborhood.
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Same here, GF was complaining about her insurance going up after we moved in. But in the house I just bought it dropped for both of us.
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Loyalty is for chumps, as I found out the hard way. You should shop around.
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oh right I remember that post about the snub!
The city I just moved out of....there was a god damn FBI raid this week (less than a mile away). Caught a guy who was involved with a murder about an hour/hour and a half away.
I always leave a city just in time.
The one we were in before that, we moved out the same week as a DEA raid in the next apartment building over and then there were like 3-4 armed robberies in the following months
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Oh damn that's some good luck there, guy!
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oh I shop every year. If I ever find someone to beat him I'll call him up and say, match it or I'm out buddy
The combination of the really cheap homeowners wrecks me when I compare with anyone else. It's only 70 bucks a month. I typically call about 6 companies and run through it all. No one beats this guy...YET
Maybe the new neighborhood will make this years "shop around" more effective.
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Here is how you do a propper intor to your new neighbors. BIG SMORKY BURN OUT!
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See, when I was really poor I saved a bunch of money on car insurance by not having any.
I'm not proud of it.
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Howell, and I think it's a different house than the one we talked about. Its on the same campgrounds actually, but this one was $75k. Then, unexpectedly, they dropped it to $65k before I could ask them too!
We told the owners we wanted it (again, friends of the family), and we just need to sign the paperwork. It's a land-by-contract deal.
....perhaps you could visit sometime? There's a beach for swimming, and the land is private property. Which means you don't need a license to fish! :).
![]() 09/11/2014 at 15:01 |
thats a DAM nice house for that money...
here in richmond Hill (in the greater toronto area) our 1300 sqft townhouse, 2 car drive, 1 car garage, 25 ft * 50?60? ft lot, 3 bedrooms, is north of 625. and thats the cheapest house on the street
![]() 09/11/2014 at 15:02 |
Yeah maybe we can!
We're out in Pinckney/Hell a lot because my wife's family is out there, including a house at Patterson Lake.
This is our new place in Canton:
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Seriously, it's like we have this internal clock that goes RUN GET OUT NOW and it always goes off just in time.
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I think they might love it.
I'll try and get pics or something but the list so far for kick ass cars in the neighborhood:
direct neighbor 1: C5 Z06, blacked out
direct neighbor 2: late 80s/early 90s GM Twins Z28 and Trans Am plus 4 dr wrangler, plus miata
across the street are 2 different 70s corvettes
down the street a mid 90s mustang with a 80s and 60s mustang in the garage
around the corner a 2000's mustang with a Fox body of some age in the garage
around the corner the other way I spotted a freakin delorean.
I think a smokey burn out might get applause
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that sucks that you had to do it, but I gotta admit the way you phrased it... i totally loled
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I also was forced to not have insurance on the house. When the bank that holds my mortgage found about, they were not amused. Even after I pointed out that at the time I was behind to them on payments, which meant if I bought insurance I would be further behind on said payments.
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I've seen HGTV you guys pay way too much money for townhouses near Toronto lol.
Growing up in Northern New Jersey, it's nuts to see the comparison. This would be a 700-900K house where I grew up.
If it makes you feel any better, it makes consumer goods really hard to reach out here.
We get paid based off of cost of living, so the salary matches the home cost, the problem is that means a $50,000 car is literally 1/4 of my HOUSE. The house I just sold it would have been over half the value.
This even applies down to TV's and computers, it's a much larger percentage of our income.
![]() 09/11/2014 at 15:18 |
Damn man, sounds like you hit some rough patches.
I hope everything is turning around/getting better. And I think I'd do the same thing on focus on the Mortgage payments over the insurance ones. If you miss too many mortgage payments, there's nothing left to insure.
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You've got it backwards. You bought a sweet house in a nice neighborhood and, bonus! , you're spending less on insurance. :)
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That's....a lot of lawn to mow...please tell me you have a riding mower?
Also, nice house! The previous owners took great care of it.
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I don't and you can't even see all the lawn. I spent 2 hours out there on sunday with my old pusher. We plan to upgrade for the spring, it was brutal. My mower is older than me lol, first mower my dad bought when they got married. It's around 35 years old.
Thanks man, they took care of some spots....and not others. we've got the chores list growing lol. It's a huge space upgrade though. from 1200 to 2000.
From my facebook post on sunday after I finished which said "I need a rider"
lawn goes all the way to the red trans am.
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At the time, I was working part time making about $1k-$1.4k/mo. A 72-mi. daily work commute, food, power, and natural gas ate most of that. I even went a year without Internet at home to try and make it work.
The new job is full time and a lot better pay.
![]() 09/11/2014 at 15:34 |
that's great news man. Glad the situation is better these days.
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yea. well, it does help that the house is under 15 year older, has a school right next to it, parks, access to local transport, highschool, and a plethora of grocery stores and clothing outlets near buy (and can tire, best buy, etc etc)
If i was retired, i wouldnt need a car to live there. at all.
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yea but what life is that without a car?
Well, the point i'm making is just that we have cheap housing but it hit's us elsewhere.
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Ugh, I can relate [ http://pull-start-my-heart.kinja.com/some-trimmer-w… ]. That's of my current living situation. A week ago I decided to cut the back part every other week. Now the grass is too long the mower just dies, -_-. Of course I'm using a push mower.
The new house has a rider that they are just giving to us. But the good thing for you, is that you have a big yard! That's enough spacs for a pool, or something...
![]() 09/11/2014 at 15:52 |
Damn that's a lot to mow too man.
No pool in our future though, we actually actively avoided them due to more maintenance costs, and higher insurance and taxes. also the back portion is kind of small, it's the side yards that are huge.
We're planning to do a fence asap for the dog, man that animal needs to burn off some energy!
BUT maybe a horse shoe pit...
![]() 09/11/2014 at 16:03 |
Smart move with no pool then. I didn't even consider that. I really like your horseshoe idea, I may steal it!
Though I am a bit envious that your yard is flatter then mine (for new and current). But, I bet there are rules about outdoor fire pits where you live, :).
![]() 09/11/2014 at 16:07 |
NOPE! Fire pit coming before horseshoe pits!
Well, I'm sure they want me to have it contained with a wall but other that I can set one up today if I like.
I'm a HUGE horseshoe fan. Not saying I'm any good, just love it. nothing better in the summer than horseshoes and a beer. Everyone plays cornhole these days. I prefer the classic horseshoes.
That or bocci ball. That's also my shit.
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well, computers and TV's i can order online and call it a day. a house? cant really order that online and get it shipped to your err...house...
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Well the point i'm making is that cheap housing means we get cheap salaries.
And that means luxury items like consumer goods are a much more significant purchase for us. it's a much larger percentage of our paycheck.
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Good , you have your priorities straight! Lol
I'm just thinking of what I can do to my back yard. I want something that guests will enjoy. Something that camp doesn't already have. They already have a playground, paintball course, ropes course, volleyball, basketball, etcetera.
Horseshoes just sounds like an excellent addition to all that.
![]() 09/11/2014 at 16:20 |
yeah man!
I actually need to get on planning that out. I wanna put it in next spring.
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Nice. I suppose there are certain dimensions it needs to be, right?
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looks like it's supposed to be 48 feet.
I may make it a tad shorter if I have to for space.
![]() 09/11/2014 at 17:54 |
!!! 48 ft! That's huge!
![]() 09/12/2014 at 09:06 |
Yeah I looked around in the back yard and if it needs to be 48 feet it's not happening after we build our fence.
I wonder what the typical "amateur backyard horseshoe pit" is lol
![]() 09/13/2014 at 09:26 |
You're in Richmond Hill? Cool. I've got an aunt and uncle with a farm (Fairmont Farms I think) in Richmond Hill. I don't want to think of what the cost of it would be now.
Here where I live (Columbus, GA) a place like yours would be something like $100k or less. haha
Our ~2900 sq. ft. house with 2 acres would sell for less than $200k.
![]() 09/13/2014 at 09:28 |
Almost everything is cheaper in the U.S., though. Gas? $3.20 a gallon versus almost $5 a gallon. Milk? $4 a gallon versus $8-9 a gallon. etc. etc.
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Plant lots of trees! They really cut mowing down, plus it's a lot easier mowing in the shade.
![]() 09/15/2014 at 09:06 |
Haha, good advice actually, I have to get the fence put up first so I can plan this out...
![]() 09/15/2014 at 09:07 |
Well I'll give you that, but there's also a difference depending on where you live in the US. the east coast where I grew up has your housing prices/salaries. Those are the guys who take advantage of being able to basically...."buy cool stuff" without severely impacting their income.
![]() 09/16/2014 at 13:05 |
I'm actually from the U.S. (Georgia), but my mom's side is Canadian so we go up there twice a year. And you're right, certain places in the U.S. are just as costly as Canada, but those kind of prices aren't nearly as pervasive in the U.S. The poverty rate is lower in Canada for whatever it's worth, though.
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Yeah, it's crazy how different it is inside the US from place to place.
Canada has craaazy high taxes though.
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Years ago, when I was pricing insurance on a new car, the premium difference between 48103 (Ann Arbor) and 48197 (Pittsfield Twp/Ypsilanti mailing address) was almost exactly the same as difference in rent between apartments in both zip codes. Go figure.
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Ha that's funny!
Sounds like we have another metro-detroiter though!
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Yes I am, and my car has the suspension damage to prove it.
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Still in Ann Arbor?
I just commented on a post about a potential oppo meet in southfield (12 mile and telegraph) soon. Bit of a ride in the Montego, but might be do-able.
I'm over in Canton
![]() 09/16/2014 at 14:15 |
Still here, and definitely interested in attending the Oppo meet. Keep us posted!
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That's the link to the one they are trying to do at 12 and telegraph.
We could always have a smaller meet up out this way though. That's 45-50 minutes in the Montego.
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333 years, 4 months and you break even.
![]() 09/19/2014 at 13:23 |
When I got my Ranger, the cost of insurance went down. It was so cheap to insure that the multi car count outweighed it. They charge ~$25 a month for the Ranger, and the discount was about $50 a month.
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Congrats on the new place!
I wish So Cal real estate was that reasonable. $200K here will get you a 20 year old, 600sf 1+1 condo or a mobile home.
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oh yea man, I grew up in Northern New Jersey, real estate prices match So Cal pretty well.
In NJ I'd have about the same as what you described. (and my car would be stolen by now)
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"...and my car would be stolen by now" That literally made me laugh out loud. A close family friend is a LEO in New Jersey. The stories I've heard really back up that statement.
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If there is a nice car and someone wants it, in the right area they will not hesitate man. Seriously.
I lived in a great town with really low crime. A friend of mine's dad bought a new M5 after selling off his Vette.
within the first 3 days people tried to steal it 5 times.
he returned the car and went with something else, he couldn't handle the theft attempts. It was just released and the first one in North NJ so it was a hot commodity.
![]() 09/19/2014 at 15:31 |
Holy S#!$. I though my buddy's dually getting stolen twice in the same week was bad.